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Using GPS Technology With Modern applications ,From Where GPS Came From To The Evolution of GPS...

Understanding How GPS works today in 2025 why is GPS so important Why do we all need it , and could we live with our it. GPS is a huge part of our daily lives and everyone uses it, its gottaa be one of the most practical applications in our day to day lives. I don't know about you but let me drive to a new city, example my first trip to Seattle many many years ago. I did it with a stack of papers a quarter inch thick As my venture started somewhere in eastern Washington I just remember even on the physical step by step instructions tha


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Bright living room with modern inventory

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GPS Technology, First There was Map Quest then there was TOM Tom and Now We Got Some Awesome GPS Technology

Hey Millenials this article is for you guys cause you will never even comprehend what it took for us older folks we have been through some $hitn lol, Im a generation X yes I went from Map Quest was all we had before GPS and it sucked, I will never forget going to Spokane to play Lazer tag with my friends in highschool we would have to plan carefully by printing a stack of play by play steps to follow . And if the person riding shotgun was a horrible navigator your were screwed cause if he cant read a map you better make sure you always had a full tank of gas in your car cause if you get lost by missing a turn you were screwed there was no notificaition saying you missed a turn , nope you would pull your car over and who ever was driving would have to read the map and trouble shoot by carefully looking over the stack of 14 pages telling you were to go complete with satelite pics on the paper work, which was a tease until TOM TOM came out with GPS, I know years and years ago the Gps ran off two satellites and the US military had 8 satalites cause no one had cell phones in fact I was balling with a pager and boy did I think I was cool, except that it had two options it was either ring or vibrate it was a Motorola, lol I remember every where I went I had to always have a roll of quarters on me .That way I could call back who ever paged me 80085 911 420 that was code for we got chicks and bud hurry the hell up and get here. So I would quickly run to my 1985 Z28 camaro 5 speed and I would get to the pay phone . If You could find a working pay phone , lol for some reason It seemed like the homeless population loved to rip the phones off the part you put the only quarters in to make a call , and that $hit was expensive. like a dollar a call , But anyways when Tom Tom came out with what I remember as the first turn by turn instructions I think they were for a cheap one like $5 hundo they were hella pricy and that's how GPS was born although the military was using it way way before it became available in the civilian sector. Then once Tom Tom came out in 1991 we all got rid of map quest, man I hated mapp quest, lol it was a pain in the ass but thats when every one had to carry a stack of paper about an inch deep in their back pocket I rembememer thats how you always knew who The New Kids On The Block were by the big stack of paper one would carry with them every where they went, its like when you join the army and you get to your duty station and you see these young men and woman walking carrying that big yellow folder looking green as hell, So its actully quite amazing where we are a whole society that's evolving I mean none of you Millenials will never know what its like to you've got maill or click on a web page with your dial up internet go out side smoke a ciggerette come back inside and if you were lucky the page may be open lol. I remember as a kid playing missle command on Atari on my black and white tv. I grew up in a time where I was in junior high and at that point I had a Nintendo or a Nes Nintendo entainment system , I remember I was in 7th or 8th grade and the teacher was going around asking everyone in the class how many t.v.s do you have I your house and I told the honest truth we had 5, me and my twin brother had a ghetto black and white tv no color no 4k no 8k not even 1080 p just black and white 13" tiv. I grew up watching lassie and flipper in black and white , SO when I answered the teacher everyone laughed like I was lieingb So I went home and took my moms camera and took a few instant poloroids and brought them to school then next and the teacher was so shocked we had 5 t.v.s in our house and That was the day I started to become , popular. so 40 years ago we were playing Atari now we got Xbox and Ps5 with graphics so real its hard for me to tell what is ai and what is real.with that I'm gonna now post a pic of atarti game missle command so you can see how life like it was for us 90's kids lol thanks for letting me share about GPS and how much technology has evolved.


Apple Air Tags Are Back And they are here to help you find your Lost Items

hingsApple's new AirTag 2 to be coming out soon, with better GPS locating software to better find what ever it is you are looking for, App;es Gps capabilities are way better then the find my device option Andriod Usess as a matter of fact last weekend my GF lost her phone and for the very first time I was able to locate her phone. It was the first time it worked out for me ever. But I know how accurate the Apple find my device is way more advanced. There really is only a little comparasion for this product. It's weird when Apple first came out I hated the Apple interface but nowadays if you ain't got an Apple phone then anything else the quality I so much better on Apple product from the solid materials and high quality products is second to none, Im a huge supporter of Apple Thier marksmanship and precise enginerring is Innovative.

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